Sunday, June 20, 2010

Why I should not finish my PhD

  1. No job when I finish. No income.
  2. No home when I finish. No reason to stay in my apartment, in town, in the country.
  3. It's so hard. I'm very tired.
  4. I don't understand how to do the hard parts. I don't think it's possible to do it alone.
  5. Who's going to read it anyway? Honestly?
  6. I have test anxiety. My dissertation defense is THE BIGGEST TEST EVER. Ironically, I can't use my usual coping strategy of over-preparation.
  7. I have a conflict with one of my committee members. He has taken action to exclude me from pursuing my field of study once I finish. He has cast a vote of no confidence, even before my defense. I believe that this is due to professional jealousy, not because my work is low quality.
  8. My heart is broken and I've lost faith in the process. I've learned that academia does not take care of you, even if you give your whole heart to it.
  9. My therapist says I don't have to finish if I don't want to. That sounds like blasphemy to me and it's incredibly titillating.
Why I should finish my PhD:
  1. I can remember when I loved my project. I want to love it again.
  2. I secretly think that having a PhD will make me bulletproof.
  3. Once it's finished, it's finished. I might even get my life back.

Which list is more convincing to you?

1 comment:

  1. I hate to say this... but I think the only way to stop thinking about your PhD later is to finish it. If you don't, you'll be making a list later about why it's okay that you didn't finish your PhD, instead of living your life.
